In China with Tintin
To mark Tintin's birthday and the release of the colorized version of the album, the Musée Hergé is offering visitors a new temporary exhibition on the theme of the Blue Lotus! " Meeting Chang in Brussels in 1934 was a major event in Hergé's life. It was then that he realized that "the others" would no longer be mere extras for Tintin. [...]
Quiz for children aged 6-9
Nature is awakening and fine weather is returning. No doubt about it, Spring is here. To celebrate his return, the Musée Hergé is offering all its young visitors a fun quiz on this theme, to be completed along the tour route.
“Tintin’s imaginary museum… in Spa!
Let's go back in time to the summer of 2021. Spa has just been recognised on UNESCO's World Heritage List as one of Europe's great spa towns! © Hergé / Tintinimaginatio - 2024 This label, so long hoped for by Spadois and Spadoises for over 12 years, is now a reality. Indeed, meticulous work has been orchestrated not only by the [...]
From Karaboudjan to Pachacamac
Peru, port of Callao. Tintin and Captain Haddock are on the hunt for their friend Professor Calculus, who has been kidnapped by authentic descendants of the Inca people. The heroes are convinced: the scientist is being held prisoner on the cargo ship Pachacamac.But the ship is flying the yellow flag and the yellow and blue triangle: contagious disease on board! Tintin, convinced of [...]